
Archive for October, 2012

Bump Photo!

Did you miss seeing this week’s baby bump picture? Well… check it out over at our new site… MakingOurDream.com. Make sure to change your RSS feed… we’re breaking out the mothballs for this site.

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It’s true.

This blog is going away.

Cue: tears…

… of joy! Because we’ve got a brand-spankin’ new blog for you!

More on that in a minute, first we want to explain some things.

Memories… that was our first post here on Our Dream Foreclosure, way back on August 30, 2009.

Since then, we’ve realized what a hot topic foreclosure can be. For us, it’s a great word… it meant we could afford a house we otherwise would not be able to pay for. For others, it’s a trigger word – and it triggers feelings of regret, depression, and sadness. We’ve had awkward conversations in the last three years – where we’ll happily spill our story of how we got our house, only to have the other person then spill their story – of losing a home to foreclosure or being under water and hoping for a short sale.

For the record, we hit a perfect storm that summer day in 2009. We qualified for the FHA loan incentive, which meant less money for our downpayment. We found our house at a steal because it was a foreclosure and had been sitting on the market for six months. (Read more about that in our “how we met” post.) We were able to lock down an interest rate on our mortgage that equaled an affordable payment. Now, homes in our neighborhood have appreciated so much, we probably couldn’t buy here. We know we’re blessed. We know we’re in the minority. We are so, so thankful for what we have and do not take it for granted for one second.

When Michelle lost her job a few months ago, we talked about downsizing or looking for a home that would equal a lower monthly mortgage payment. However, we quickly realized there was nothing on the market (even smaller or in a different zip code!) that we could afford. The best option, financially, was to stay put – which we are more than happy to do!

So, all that to say, for a long time now, we’ve really wanted to drop the “Foreclosure” from our blog title. We don’t want to turn people off because of what that word might trigger for them. We also don’t want to constantly remind people that the downturn in the economy, which was a downer for most people, was a serious bonus for us.

Also, since the addition of a certain blonde-haired, blue-eyed child…

Yep, that one! (The one on the left, to clarify.)

…we’ve strayed a bit from being a strictly DIY/Home Improvement blog. That’s our fist love and passion and what we’ll always primarily blog about. However, we also like to talk about Kenton and presumably we’ll feel the same way about his soon-to-arrive little brother or sister. So, we wanted to move on to a new title, a new blog that better reflects what we’re really about.

So, we present to you….

Check out our new digs at makingourdream.com. We’re even on Facebook (finally!)… and you can “Like” us (really, really like us!).

We hope you pack a bag and follow us to our new Internet home. Starting immediately, we’ll be posting new content over there – and soon, we’ll have everything on this site redirected.

Please update your RSS feeds if you follow us on Google Reader, Feedburner or something similar.

Thank you SO MUCH for your support!


Jason & Michelle, aka: The Dreamers

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